Document requirements for notifications and export declarations

What information must be included on a Declaration of Conformity (DoC)?

  • name and address of the manufacturer;
  • the legislation/regulation with which the product complies;
  • the date of issue and a signature of a competent person;
  • the identification of the product;
  • name and address of the authorised representative, if applicable;
  • the production sites, if applicable.

What information must be included on a CE certificate?

  • name and address of the manufacturer;
  • the legislation/regulation with which the product complies;
  • the date of issue and a signature of a competent person;
  • the identification of the product;
  • the production sites, if applicable.

CE certificates must be issued by a notified body (Notified body)

Documents/declarations to be submitted with a MDD/IVDD legacy notification

  • DoC which indicates the medical device is compliant with the directives on medical devices (MDD or IVDD) and put onto the market prior to 26 May 2021, the date of application of the MDR, or 26 May 2022, the date of application of the IVDR;
  • no significant modifications may be introduced to the device (see MDR format 'Manufacturer's Declaration' on the websites of Trade Associations AESGPCOCIREuromContactEUROM VI en MedTech Europe);
  • the notified body and the manufacturer must have signed a written agreement to have the medical device certified in accordance with the MDR/IVDR. Please send us a copy of this agreement (see MDR format Notified Body confirmation letter).
  • the medical device concerns a device that is compliant with the directives on medical devices (MDD/IVDD) and will be upclassified under the MDR/IVDR (in accordance with Article 120(3) MDR/Article 110(3) IVDR).

Notification of a legacy device previously registered with another EU Member State authority

In addition to the above, these medical devices must also meet the following requirements:

  • the product as in the transition period described in the MDR/IVDR must be adopted by a European authorised representative registered in the Netherlands. The applicant must provide a declaration to this end;
  • the product must have been adopted from a European authorised representatives from another EU Member State. The applicant must submit proof of registration showing that the product was registered with an EU Member State authority before the date of application of the MDR/IVDR.

Change requests

  • Declaration of Conformity (DOC)
  • If applicable, a CE certificate from a notified body for MDR/IVDR conformity.

New IVDR notifications

  • product information;
  • Declaration of Conformity (DOC);
  • if applicable, a CE certificate from a notified body for IVDR conformity (class B, C and D) (for the content of a CE certificate, please refer to Article 48 (10) IVDR)

Documents to be submitted with an MDR notification

New MDR notifications

  • product information;
  • Declaration of Conformity (DOC);
  • if applicable, a CE certificate from a notified body for MDR conformity (Class I sterile (Is), measuring function (Im) or reusable (Ir) (for the content of a CE certificate, please refer to Article 52(7) MDR)

Documents to be submitted for an MDD or AIMDD export declaration

As the MDR transitional periods have changed and additional conditions have been imposed, the CIBG expects to receive the following documentation/evidence if you want to receive an export declaration with extended transition period.

  • Declaration of Conformity (DoC) to MDD, and if applicable, a CE certificate from a Notified Body for conformity to MDD (class Is/Im/Is or IIa, IIb and III).
  • The medical devices have not undergone significant changes. (see format 'Manufacturer's Declaration' on the websites of Trade Associations AESGPCOCIREuromContactEUROM VI en MedTech Europe)
  • The notified body and the manufacturer must have signed a written agreement by 26 September 2024 to have the medical device certified in accordance with the MDR. Please send us a copy of this agreement (see format Notified Body confirmation letter).

Documents to be submitted for an MDR export declaration

  • a Declaration of Conformity (DoC) with the MDR;
  • if applicable, a CE certificate from a Notified Body for MDR conformity (class I sterile (Is), measuring function (Im), or reusable (Ir) IIa, IIb or III (for the content of CE certificate please refer to Article 52.7 of the MDR).

Documents to be submitted for an IVDD export declaration

As the IVDR transitional periods have changed and additional conditions have been imposed, the CIBG expects to receive the following documentation/evidence if you want to receive an export declaration with extended transition period.

  • a Declaration of Conformity (DoC);
  • if applicable, a CE certificate from a Notified Body for IVDD conformity (self-test, list A and list B);
  • for IVDs that fall under the transitional provisions (L_2022019NL.01000301.xml (, an EU declaration of conformity drawn up before 26 May 2022.
  • A Manufacturer's Declaration to state no significant modifications were introduced to the device
  • The signed agreement of the notified body and the manufacturer to have the medical device certified in accordance with the IVDR.

If you want to receive an export declaration without extended transition period, CIBG expects to receive the following documents:

  • a Declaration of Conformity (DoC);
  • if applicable, a CE certificate from a Notified Body for IVDD conformity (self-test, list A and list B);
  • for IVDs that fall under the transitional provisions (L_2022019NL.01000301.xml (, an EU declaration of conformity drawn up before 26 May 2022.

Documents to be submitted for an IVDR export declaration

  • a Declaration of Conformity (DOC) with the IVDR;
  • if applicable, a CE certificate from a notified body for IVDR conformity (class B, C and D) (for the content of a CE certificate, please refer to Article 48(10) IVDR).

Product list and/or production site appendix

If you wish to add a product list and/or production location as an appendix to the export declaration, you must upload this information as a separate document. When submitting the online application, choose draft/example, then add a new document with the subject line 'please add as appendix'.

The following conditions apply to adding a product list and/or production location:

  • You can add one appendix containing no more than 15 pages of A4;
  • Provide the product list and/or name and address details of the production site. The name and address of the production site must also appear on the DoC and/or CE certificate.
  • In a plain Word document (no company information, logo’s or similar), using font type Verdana and font size 9;
  • Please keep 4 centimeters at the top of all pages of the product list free;
  • If the appendix concerns a product list, the statement ‘See product list’ will be added on the front page of the export declaration;
  • Upload a separate request (letter or email) with your online application stating that you want to add a production list and/or production location to the export declaration. In the subject line, state 'request to add product list and/or production location'.